4 best friend was walking in the street suddenly they found a bag full of money.make a role play on this story thanks
4 bestfriends were walking in the street and suddenly they found a bag full of money.
Friend 1: (Picked up the bag) What do you think is inside this bag dude?
Friend 2: A baby?
Friend 1: A baby!? Are you kidding me? What kind of guess is that! If its a baby it should have cried when I picked it up.
Friend 3: Shut your mouth guys, just open it!
Friend 4: Yeah, open it!
Friend 1: (Unzipped the bag) Whoah!
Friend 2: That's a lot of cash dude!
Friend 3: We should keep it!
Friend 1: I can't believe we're going to be millionaires now.
Friend 4: No! Drop the bag! The police might arrive and mistaken us as a Mafia or kidnappers.
Friend 3: Yeah drop it dude!
Friend 1: No! I'm gonna keep this!
Friend 4: (Aggressively grabs bag) Give it to me and we'll leave this here.
Friend 2: Dude please drop that!
Police arrives and chases them.
Police: Hey what are you guys doing? Did you rob the bank?
Friend 1: (Dropped the bag) Let's go! Run!
Friend 4: Hurry guys the police might shot us!
Friend 1: I should've listen to you guys.
The friends continued running until they reached their homes and then there Friend 1 apologized to his friends.