Biology, asked by dnyanesh59, 1 year ago

4. Can we paint chromosomes with different colors? If yes, which property of chromosomes is used for painting them with different colors?​


Answered by vanshika9073


the answer is no..........

Answered by GauravSaxena01

Answer: Yes

During experiment it is required to distinguish and located the position of chromosomes and hence they are coloured using flouroscent dyes.

For this purpose Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique is used and specific DNA sequences on chromosomes is seen.

These procedures use fluorescent probes to detect DNA sequences, and the process is known  as FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). Many  FISH procedures are available in cytogeneticists, which is use to diagnose many types of chromosomal abnormalities in patients.

Infact, in DNA fingerprinting , floroscent probes and use to find similarity and disimilarity in the given sample.

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