Chemistry, asked by namitbir, 1 year ago

4. Comprehension based questions on Rocket Chemistry
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
The space shuttle--and any other rocket-based system uses chemical reactions to
propel itself into space and manoeuvre itself when it gets into orbit. The rockets that
lift the orbiter are of two different types. The three main engines are powered by
reacting liquid hydrogen with
Liquid oxygen to generate water with tremendous heat. Then there are the two solid
rocket boosters, which use a solid fuel mixture that contains mainly a salt ammonium
perchlorate a powerful oxidizer and powdered aluminium that serves as the fuel. The
chemical reaction between these substances produces aluminium oxide, water vapour, nitrogen gas, and
aluminium chloride with lots of energy. This reaction heats the inside of the solid rocket boosters to more than
5800 F causing the water vapour and nitrogen gas to expand rapidly. Although the solid rocket boosters each
have a significantly lower mass than the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks, they provide over 80% of
the lift needed to put the shuttle into orbit-all because of chemical reactions. Chemistry is at the heart of
making rockets fly.
Chemistry is largely about chemical changes. Indeed, if there were no chemical changes, chemistry as such
would not exist! Chemical changes are a fundamental part of chemistry.

Q1. Frame the formulas of the salts formed as products of chemical reaction between ammonium perchlorate
and powdered aluminium by criss cross method.


Answered by anubsaju25


rocket boosters to more than

5800 F causing the water vapour and nitrogen gas to expand rapidly. Although the solid rocket boosters each

have a significantly lower mass than the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks, they provide over 80% of

the lift needed to put the shuttle into orbit-all because of chemical reactions. Chemistry is at the heart of

making rockets fly.

Chemistry is largely about chemical changes. Indeed, if there were no chemical changes, chemistry as such

would not exist! Chemical changes are a fundamental part of chemistry.

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