4. Convert each of the following into like decimals
(i) 7.5, 64.23, 0.074
(i) 06,5937, 236, 42
solve it step by step
i) 7.500, 64.230, 0.074
ii) Well the second one doesn't have any decimal points.
So, please ask that one in a correct way.
Step-by-step explanation:
So, to convert a set of decimals into like decimals, is to make the number of digits after the point equal.
For e.g. 4.584, 0.3, 89.99
=> So first step is to see which decimal has the most digits after the point. In this case, 4.584 has the three digits after the point. 0.3 has only one digit after the point. 89.99 has two digits. So, the decimal 4.584 has the most digits after the point.
=> Next step, is to add 0.
In this case, I am going to put two zeros after 0.3, so then it will amount to 0.300. Same with the next decimal. It will amount to 89.990. So, the converted set of like decimals:
4.584, 0.300, 89.990.