4. Does this world need more Magi?yes or no why?
because Maggie is not a good food
This world needs people who are willing to make sacrifices as well as those who would be wise and kind enough to give gifts to others.
In the story, both Della and James have sacrificed their priced possessions just to present something they believe their partner would cherish. Today, because of technology, people tend to do things not out of sacrifice, but out of the need for approval. It is rare to find anyone who would do things for others without telling the world what they have done.
The story also tells about how the characters have carefully thought of what to give to one another and this can be associated to the fine gifts the magi has given to Jesus. People today could mirror that in many ways. Being in pandemic or when experiencing disasters, people can extend material gift to help others in need. Professionals can also extend their gift of knowledge by organizing extended learning activities for people who could not afford to go to school. Extending job opportunities is also a form of gift people who have the capacity can give to others.