Dry pellets of a base 'X' when kept in bpen absorbs moisture and
turns sticky. The compound is also formed by chlor-alkali process.
Write chemical name and formula of X. Describe chlor-alkali
process with balanced chemical equation. Name the type of
reaction occurs when X is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.
Write the chemical equation.
Tatifi ho com and felcium which is vellowish white onder
plese follow me plese your live 1000 year
X + Moisture
8x x 24 + 9 -56 = 1489
1489 - 420 = 1069
(10) (69) xCv~`FFcc_/{code1} symmetric -
(tune off)
)xCv~`FFccc_/{code2} symmetric +
(tune on)
EMC-446 {69}[AS-69442]/REPEAT 50 (tune on) ~~ (tune off) /Lock update vS.504
/syntax highlighting {Grammatical auto generated code 1.3926255278152036529263529272925242926292.
/autoresponder (auto-read)
/refreshing ~~
/task successfully completed {code1}[code2]
[playtext] [playlist autofill] [genetic engineering task working 1...2....3.......]
[swap numbers using temporary variables]
int main() {
double first, second, temp;
printf("Enter first number: ");
scanf("%lf", &first);
printf("Enter second number: ");
scanf("%lf", &second);
// Value of first is assigned to temp
temp = first;
// Value of second is assigned to first
first = second;
// Value of temp (initial value of first) is assigned to second
second = temp;
printf("\nAfter swapping, firstNumber = %.2lf\n", first);
printf("After swapping, secondNumber = %.2lf", second);
return 0;
{codding : 1927262625525252525171753,,,
"continuing ,,,,,614414144263892836526116142462169420276141416622696914141618922862 N { 1346+81111-2√[coF64gc] I[JGD-571} C -|BGD{861} E'^IjKKGD
// a = (initial_a - initial_b)
a = a - b;
// b = (initial_a - initial_b) + initial_b = initial_a
b = a + b;
// a = initial_a - (initial_a - initial_b) = initial_b
a = b - a;
/coding exp 514444#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n1, n2;
printf("Enter two integers: ");
scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2);
// if user enters negative number, sign of the number is changed to positive
n1 = ( n1 > 0) ? n1 : -n1;
n2 = ( n2 > 0) ? n2 : -n2;
if(n1 > n2)
n1 -= n2;
n2 -= n1;
printf("GCD = %d",n1);
return 0;
codding valued ≠