4. Fill in the blanks.
i) The flow of electricity in a circuit is called
ii) Electricity requires a
path for it to flow.
helps us to allow or break the flow of electricity
in a circuit.
iv) The part of the bulb that glows is the
V) Electricity is caused by a moving fluid called
vi) Substances which do not allow electric current to flow through them are
known as
vii) The electric bulb was invented by
viii) Bulbs have a filament made of a metal
Answered by
- The flow of electricity in a circuit is called electric current.
- Electricity requires a closed path for it to flow.
- Switch helps us to allow or break the flow of electricity in a circuit.
- The part of the bulb that glows is the filament.
- Electricity is caused by a moving fluid called electrokinesis.
- Substances which do not allow electric current to flow through them are known as insulators
- The electric bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison
- Bulbs have a filament made of a metal called Tungsten
Hope it helps
Answered by
i) charge
ii) resistance
iv) filament
v) electrons
vii) Thomas Edison
viii) tungsten
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