4. Find pairs/ groups of equivalent sets from the following sets :
C = (x:x is a digit in the numeral 371011489)
A, C, E and G are equivalent sets as these all have same number of elements i.i., 7 elements.
B ⇔ D as n(B) = 3 = n(D)
F ⇔ H as n(F) = 12 = n(H)
I ⇔ J as n(I) = 26 = n(J)
Ok so the question is wrong. To solve it, you'll need many sets, from which you'll have to find those which are equivalent. Finding equivalent set is to find those sets which have same cardinality, i.e it doesn't matter what is there in the set as long as the no. of elements are same.
An example of finding equivalent sets from the following sets is:
1. A = {k, c, d, t}
2. B = (x:x is a digit in numeral 6987}
3. C = {L, m, 9, 2}
4. D = {C, K, F, T, P}
ok so in the above sets, set A, B, and C are the only equivalent sets. Why? Because their cardinality is 4. That is, all of these sets have 4 elements. But set D has 5 elements. Thus it is not an equivalent set.
Hope you understood. The question itself says "Find pairs/ groups of equivalent sets from the following sets" and the word "sets" is mentioned, meaning there are more sets to the question from which you'll have to find the equivalent sets. With only 1 set, that is the one you've given, it is not possible to tell the other equivalent sets cuz there are numerous.
Equivalent sets for the one that you've given can be
S = {lion, tiger, giraffe, monkey, dog, cat, parrot}
T = {D, S, Q, P, A, Y, J}
etc. I'd advise you to revise the question once more. Thank you.