Environmental Sciences, asked by nityaraghuwanshi, 5 months ago

4) How can woodcutter worm his hand


Answered by yuvraj7031


15. Blow Hot, Blow ColdThere was a woodcutter. Everyday in the morning he used to goto the forest to cut wood. In the evening he would sell the woodin the city. One day he went deep into the forest. It was a verycold winter. His fingers were becoming numb. Every now andthen, the woodcutter would put down his axe and bring hishands close to his mouth. Then he would blow hard on them towarm them.While he was cutting wood MianBalishtiye was watching him from a corner.Mian Balishtiye saw that the woodcutterkept blowing on his hands. He began towonder what all that was about! But hecould not understand it. He got upthinking that he would go and ask thewoodcutter. After walking a little, he cameback thinking that the woodcutter maynot like being asked. Finally, MianBalishtiyecould not help himself. He wenthopping to the woodcutter and said, “Hellobrother, if you don’t mind can I ask yousomething?”Seeing this tiny person the woodcutterwas amazedand amused. But, he hid his smile and said, “Of course,of course, ask what you want to.” “All I want to ask is why do youblow from your mouth on to your hands

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