English, asked by samimakavana, 2 months ago

4. Identify and write whether the underlined pronouns in the given sentences
are reflexive or emphatic pronouns.
0 She herself cooked the food.
(id) I myself believe this.
(iiThey told themselves that they had won the match.
(iv) Leena washed her clothes herself.
(v) You watered the plants yourself.
(vi) We ourselves solved this problem.
(vii) Ram was angry with himself for the mistake.
(viii) She herself painted the picture.​


Answered by ItzDangerBhai



1) She herself cooked the food.

  • Reflexive Pronoun

2) I myself believe this.

  • Emphatic Pronoun

3) They told themselves that they had won the match

  • Emphatic Pronoun

4) Leena washed her clothes herself.

  • Reflexive Pronoun

5) You watered the plants yourself.

  • Emphatic Pronoun

6) We ourselves solved this problem.

  • Emphatic Pronoun

7) Ram was angry with himself for the mistake.

  • Reflexive Pronoun

8) She herself painted the picture.

  • Reflexive Pronoun


\blue{\underline{\underline{\bf\green{Additional\: information}}}}

What is pronoun ?

In spoken and written English repetition is awkward. We do not use the nouns again and again. This repetition is avoided if we use the Pronouns of the Nouns.

➜ A Pronoun is a word used in place of a Noun.

Look at these sentences :

Dharvi arrived late. Dharvi had fever.

This sentence can be written in this way better.

Dharvi arrived late. She had fever.

I wrote a letter to my sister Ekta, she is a doctor.

In these sentences I and She are pronouns.

\huge\red{\underline{\underline{\bf\pink{Kinds\: of \:Pronouns}}}}

1. Personal pronouns : Pronouns which are used for persons or things ; e.g. I, we, you, he, she, it, they etc.

(i) I bought a book yesterday.

(ii) They always see good films.

Personal pronouns are of three types:

1) First person - I, We

2) Second person - You

3) Third person - He, She, It, They


2) Relative pronouns : These are those pronouns which relate to nouns which have gone before, who, whom, whose, which, that, are Relative Pronouns :

(i) She is the girl who can solve this problem.

(ii) All that glitters is not gold.


3. Interrogative Pronouns : These are those pronouns which ask questions. Who, which, what, when, whom are Interrogative Pronouns :

(i) Whom do you want to see ?

(ii) What is your father ?


4. Demonstrative Pronouns : These pronounce point out the objects for which they are used. This, that, these, those are Demonstrative Pronouns :

(i) This is my cellphone.

(ii) Those are your books.


5. Reflexive Pronouns : These pronouns refer to the action which returns to the doer :

(i) Ruby blamed herself for this.

(ii) He often talks to himself.


6. Emphasising Pronouns : These are those pronouns which lay emphasis. Myself, ourselves, himself, themselves are Emphasising Pronouns :

(i) I myself want to help her.

(ii) You yourself can finish this work.


7. Possessive Pronouns : These are those pronouns which refer to possession, Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs are Possessive Pronouns :

(i) That house is theirs.

(ii) This lunch box is mine.


8. Indefinite Pronouns : These are those pronouns that stand for nouns understood or implied. Any, anyone, some, someone, anybody, everybody, none, one, each, few, all, many, several etc. are Indefinite Pronouns.

(i) None but the Brave deserve the fair.

(ii) Somebody has taken my cellphone.


Answered by vaghelakapilsinh9


reflexive pronoun herself

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