English, asked by iasaksh, 7 months ago

4.Mention Fifteen importance of time with reference to Ecclesiates 9:11 and Psalms 90:12 from bible​


Answered by Ahtohallan


Ecclesiastis 9:11

" I returned ,and saw under the sun ,that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,neither yet bread to the wise ,nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill;but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Psalms 90:12

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart to wisdom."

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1.Sometimes what we expect to happen in our life doesn't always happen in the exact time.

2.Sometimes there are instances where everything is fixed in proportion and according to human ideas ,they must happen likewise but in reality it may not be so.

3.Sometimes when man gets proud in his heart ,

God will remind him that man's days on Earth are numbered .

4.This means that we should always be humble in our ways.

5.Everything has its own time and pace.

6.Even if man tries to push ahead his time ,it will not happen .

7.Because according to the Bible ,God has a purpose for each and every human being.

8.Man must patiently wait for his blessing to arrive.

9.It cannot be forced .

10.Sometimes when things don't go our way,it means ,it means that there is a greater blessing arriving but we just can't see it.

11.We must use time responsibly.

12.Whenever we feel proud or something, we must ask God to help us to be humble.

13.God resists the proud.

14.Time is not in our hands ,it is in God's hands.

15.Everything happens in its own time.

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