English, asked by reakha98, 8 months ago

4. निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ लिखें :-
(क) भ्रमण
(ख) चीवर
(ग) गद्गद
(घ) पोषक
(ङ) उर्वरक​


Answered by abhinavraj980161


you all guys think you are all smart so I am going to ask an question to you all so the question is say Taj Mahal in English. Then if you speak the answer is same as Taj Mahal so my dear friend if you are anyone studying in English medium school that not means that English is better than Hindi Because Hindi is our national language so my dear friends Respect our national language and famous our country and Language to world and also the other countries respect and like our culture and language, tradition why are they respecting to our language because they all see that India is only the one country where So many brightful colours, people, culture, religions, tradition so my dear friends please stay at home and be sanitize your hands at least 20 minutes. And let's salute our all the life helpers who are now also helping as to be safe from covid 19.<br />Thank You <br />and share this message to more than people to be safe and our government is also helping the poor people but this is our also duty to help them because our protection and others like (Poor people) and the animals like birds, cow and dogs others animals also who needs to travel to other places too so let's help them and be protect from covid 19.<br />Thank You everyone.

My message

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