4. Name the tab and the group that has the following options in Word 2013.
a. Insert star shape
b. Insert a text box
c. Insert WordArt
d. Insert Picture from a file
Insert Tab
This tab contains all the commands for inserting items into your documents.
Cover Page - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Built-in, Remove Current Cover Page and Save Selection to Cover Page Gallery. The list of built-in cover pages is Alphabet, Annual, Austere, Conservative, Contrast, Cubicles, Exposure, Mod, Motion, Pinstripes, Puzzle, Sideline, Stacks, Tiles and Transcend.
Blank Page - Inserts a blank page by inserting two page breaks, one above the current insertion point and one below it.
Page Break - (Ctrl + Enter). Inserts a page break instead of displaying the Breaks dialog box. You can access all the other types of breaks using the Breaks drop-down on the Page Layout tab, Page Setup group.
Insert tab is the answer