4. On the basis of which research the Earth is divided into three layers
study of earthquake waves
study of numerical layer
b. study of astronomy
d. study of earth
Your answer is
d.) study of earth
arth’s Magnetic Field Originates in the Core
The liquid outer core is the source of the earth’s magnetic field, as a result of its metallic nature, which means it contains electrons not attached to particular nuclei. Heat is transferred upward to the mantle from the inner core via convective cells, in which the liquid in the outer core flows in looping patterns. The combination of the loose electrons and looping convective flow with the rotation of the earth results in a geodynamo that produces a magnetic field. Because the magnetic field is generated by a dynamically convecting and rotating sphere of liquid, it is unstable. Every now and then, after several hundred thousand to several million years, the earth’s magnetic field becomes unstable to the point that it temporarily shuts down. When it restarts, its north and south magnetic poles must inevitably be reversed, according to the physics of magnetic fields produced spontaneously from geodyamos. (For comparison, the magnetic field of the Sun, which is also produces by convecting electrical charges in a rotating sphere, becomes magnetically unstable and reverses its magnetic field on a more regular basis, every 11 years.)
Given that the inner core is a solid metallic sphere, made mostly of iron and nickel, surrounded entirely by liquid, it can be pictured as a giant ball bearing spinning in a pressurized fluid. Detailed studies of earthquake waves passing though the inner core have found evidence that it is spinning – rotating – just slightly faster than the rest of the earth.