Computer Science, asked by vai20, 1 year ago

4 points of differentiation between interactive and non interactive websites


Answered by SidPatel123

Non-Interactive vs interative entertainment in the column fight: 

 Non-Interactive Entertainment(Film as example)Interactive Entertainment
(Video Games as example)
Audience & Participants
The audience members are observers and not able to interact and participate and therefore incapable of influencing or changing the experience directly. The construct of the experience contains all necessary elements correctly structured and ordered. It is therefore complete even without the audience observing. A film doesn’t just stop by itself should you in the middle of it decide to walk out of the cinema.The audience members are participants and their interaction is a vital element of the experience. Although the experience contains all the necessary elements, they are not in the desired structure and order. The interaction of the participant is required to complete the construct.If you stop playing a video game, it will just pause or idle, unable to continue meaningfully without turning non-interactive. Author control of contentThe author has full control over the structure of the experience and contributes all the pieces required to make the structure complete and functional.
In a film or book the author has full control over setting, structure, narrative and characters, including protagonist & antagonist.
The author only has control over rules, structure and, if available, the narrative shell construct. The author can lay down the premise and define the basic structure but he is unable to provide the full set of instructions without breaking the interactivity. Although in games the author can define the mechanics, rules, setting, characters, narrative and structure, he is not allowed to directly control certain important elements, most notably the player’s role (e.g. protagonist) 
Author control of structureThe author can easily dictate structure, pace, progress, perception and perspective and interchange at will. While the author author can setup the structure, pace and perspective, it is ultimately up to the player to control progress, perspective and perception. Immersive & Emotional Delivery LanguageThe various forms of non-interactive entertainment have their own immersion and emotional delivery language: For novels it’d be choice of structure, words, perspective, pace, perception, etc whilst audiovisual media like film and TV use narrative structure, camera framing, editing, lighting, sound, music, actor performance, etc. Video games have not yet fully established their own immersion and emotional delivery language; instead they borrow heavily – and mostly – from established audiovisual non-interactive  forms of entertainment (e.g. language of film for creation of cutscenes)Evocable emotionsBecause the audience only observes the experience, the emotions evoked are indirect and reactive towards experience. The audience will feel for the characters and situations but it will not necessarily feel the same.  Because the participant is one of the main pillars in interactive experiences, any emotions evoked are direct and personal. This means games can unlock an additional set of emotions in the participant: guilt, regret, success, euphoria, revenge, personal satisfaction and others. PASSIVE / ACTIVE form of enter-tainment
PASSIVE form of entertainment. In order for the audience to enjoy this form of entertainment, their frame of mind needs to be in a state of willingness to accept that the experience is pre-constructed, self-sufficient and complete without any need of interaction.   ACTIVE form of entertainment. In order for people to enjoy this form of entertainment, they need to want to actively participate in the experience for it to function properly - which requires a different state of mind than non-interactive entertainment. This means that interactive entertainment does not replace non-interactive entertainment but rather complete.
Just comment whether it is appropiate for you 
Answered by nairasinghania14


this is the worst question in my life it or not?


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