English, asked by meghamaadhu23, 1 year ago

4 Questions on the need of women empowerment


Answered by itzNobita26


The term gender refers to the economic, social and cultural attributes and opportunities associated with being male or female. In most societies, being a man or a woman is not simply a matter of different biological and physical characteristics. Men and women face different expectations about how they should dress, behave or work. Relations between men and women, whether in the family, the workplace or the public sphere, also reflect understandings of the talents, characteristics and behaviour appropriate to women and to men. Gender thus differs from sex in that it is social and cultural in nature rather than biological. Gender attributes and characteristics, encompassing, inter alia, the roles that men and women play and the expectations placed upon them, vary widely among societies and change over time. But the fact that gender attributes are socially constructed means that they are also amenable to change in ways that can make a society more just and equitable.

Answered by ishika7968


• How has South Sudan's newly gained indepedence affected women's indepedence, rights, civic engagement, and African Feminism?

• How is women participation in labor force in your country? What is the ratio? Generally, working at which sector?

• Is any one working on empowerment or informational capabilities?

• How can one develop a gender equality/women empowerment indicators framework for the tourism industry in South Africa?

Hope it helps úh

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