English, asked by udevi5259, 6 months ago

4. Read the following conversation
between a teacher and his student
and complete the passage that
follows. [1X 4 = 4 marks) Harman :
Mom, I've stood third in the class.
Mother: Who stood first? Harman :
Gaurav. Mother: You should have
stood first.
Harman told his mother (a)
asked him (b)
Harman informed (c)
Mother said (d)


Answered by myrakincsem

The conversation is in indirect speech and the passage which we have to complete is required to be in indirect speech.

The passage can be completed as follows:

  • (a) Harman told his mother that he stood third in the class.
  • (b) Mother asked him that who had stood first?
  • (c) Harman informed that Gaurav came first.
  • (d) Mother said the he should have stood first.


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