English, asked by gaurav2003patel99815, 17 hours ago

Section-B (Grammer)
Q.4 Fill in the blanks with correct alternatives. (any 5)
(1) Prashant always
the newspaper in the morning. (read)
(2) Have you
your work. (want/wants)
(3) They
here last night. (arrive)
(4) He did not make mistake in his essay. (some/any)
(5) He is
strongest man here. (a, an, the)
(6) How
chairs do we need? (much, many)


Answered by pritigurung233


(1)Prashant always reads the newspaper in the morning.

(2)Have you wants your work.

(3)They arrived in the last neight.

(4)He did not make any mistakes in his essay.

(5)He is a strongest man here.

(6)How many chairs do we need


please make me Brainlist

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