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The study of landforms is the science of topography. When we speak of the topography of the ocean floor, we mean the various shapes that the bottom of the ocean can take. We tend to picture the ocean floor as being as flat and sandy as the beaches with which we are familiar. Fortunately, the ocean floor isn’t quite that simple, predictable, or boring. Though the bottom of the ocean is hidden from our sight by vast quantities of water, it’s anything BUT boring, flat and featureless. Maps like the one above are giving us increasingly detailed views of the ocean floor. As our technological expertise increases, so does our ability to visualize these distant landscapes. We find basically that the ocean floor has all the same shapes, bumps, mountains, valleys, plateaus and such that we are more familiar with on the surface. When you consider that three quarters of our planet’s surface is covered by ocean water, you soon realize that there’s more land “down there” than we have “up here”. It really isn’t all that different from the land on which you and I live.