4. Take three test-tubes. Fill 34th of each with water. Label them A, B and C. Keep a snail in test-tube A, a water plant in test-tube B and in C, keep snail and plant both. Which test-tube would have the highest concentration of CO2?
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The highest concentration of CO₂ will be in test-tube A.
Explanation: Concentration of CO₂ is as follows : A > C > B
Plants uptake CO₂ during the process of photosynthesis. Whereas animals exhale CO₂ to the environment during respiration. Test-tube A has snail only, hence CO₂ concentration will be the highest. Test-tube C has both snail and plant, thus plants uptake the CO₂ released by the snail. Therefore the CO₂ concentration is moderate. Test-tube B has only plant, hence CO₂ concentration is the least.
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