English, asked by eh2121770, 2 months ago

4 The poet says that a ‘poet could not be but gay/In such a jocund company!'. What do you think ‘jocund company' means? Is he happy or unhappy in such company? 5 What does the poet mean when he says that he ‘gazed – and gazed - but little thought/What wealth the show to me had brought:'? How does the scene benefit him either materially or emotionally? Give reasons for your answer. What does 'vacant and pensive mood' mean? Tick the correct option. a. a thoughtful and contemplative mood b. a sad mood c. a thoughtless state of mind 7 What does the 'inward eye' mean? What is it that flashes upon this eye Do you think the poet is affected by it in any way? Give reasons for you answer. Why has the poet described solitude as being blissful?​


Answered by Akbarpur


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