4. The Story of Rag
Rag was a baby rabbit. Like all kids, he was curious to know
what was happening around him. As he lay covered under
were quarrelling with each other
. A butterfly was flying
around. Suddenly, a big yellow insect jumped at it and
caught it. Rag felt sad for the butterfly. A ladybug was
walking on a blade of grass. In fact, the ladybug walked
right over Rag's face! But Rag did not move at all.
leaves, he looked around. A blue jay and a red squirrel
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ट्रांसलेट इन हिंदी
हिन्दी में नतीजे
English – detected
The Story of Rag
Rag was a baby rabbit. Like all kids, he was curious to know
what was happening around him. As he lay covered under
were quarrelling with each other
. A butterfly was flying
around. Suddenly, a big yellow insect jumped at it and
caught it. Rag felt sad for the butterfly. A ladybug was
walking on a blade of grass. In fact, the ladybug walked
right over Rag's face! But Rag did not move at all.
leaves, he looked around. A blue jay and a red squirrel
राग की कहान
रैग एक बेबी खरगोश था। सभी बच्चों की तरह वह भी जानने को उ था
उसके आसपास क्या हो रहा था। के रूप में वह नीचे कवर किया
आपस में झगड़ रहे थे
। एक तितली उड़ रही थी
चारों ओर। अचानक, एक बड़ा पीला कीट उस पर कूद गया और
पकड़ा। राग को तितली के लिए दुःख हुआ। एक लेडीबग थी
घास की एक ब्लेड पर चलना। वास्तव में, लेडीबग चला गया
राग के चेहरे पर अधिकार! लेकिन राग बिलकुल नहीं चला।
पत्ते, उसने चारों ओर देखा। एक नीली जय और एक लाल गिलहरी
raag kee kahaanee
raig ek. ke roop