(4) What are the minimum and maximum numbers of members of Taluka Panchayat?
Panchayat samiti is a rural local government (panchayat) body at the intermediate tehsil (taluka/mandal) level in India. It works for the villages of the tehsil that together are called a development block. It has been said to be the "panchayat of panchayats".
The 73rd Amendment defines the levels of panchayati raj institution as :
- District (or apex) level
- Intermediate level
- Base level
The panchayat samiti is the link between the gram panchayat (village council) and the zila parishad (district board). The name varies across states: mandal parishad in Andhra Pradesh, taluka panchayat in Gujarat, and mandal panchayat in Karnataka.
Hope you understand
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