4. What encouraged him to perform better?
how to encourage your man in his workWhen I was a newlywed, I had a front-row seat to the tough career decisions couples I knew were making.
One friend had a tough decision to make. After a long job hunt, she and her husband had narrowed it down to two options: her hometown, or his. Each desperately wanted to settle near their own family and long-time friends, but the two cities were 3000 miles apart.
They chose his. “Here’s the thing,” she said. “My husband’s entering his profession on the bottom rung. In my hometown, the field is saturated, and he’ll have to beg for work. In his hometown, it’s wide open, and clients will be begging him to take them on. A man who’s happy in his work is easier to live with–so we’re moving.”
It’s been 7 years: he’s thriving, and so is she. I think it’s largely because my friend has been chosen to encourage her husband in his work. Whether your man is in his dream job or just punching the clock to pay the bills, you can give him the encouragement he needs. And you’ll both be the better for it. Here’s what to do: