What is the function of Word Processing software?शॉर्ट क्वेश्चन
Word processing software is defined as a computer program that lets you type words or text which shows up in a virtual "document" on your computer screen which can, in turn, be printed or sent electronically. Microsoft Word is an example of word processing software.
Word processing software is used to manipulate a text document, such as a resume or a report. You typically enter text by typing, and the software provides tools for copying, deleting and various types of formatting. Some of the functions of word processing software include:
Creating, editing, saving and printing documents.
Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document.
Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.
Creating and editing tables.
Inserting elements from other software, such as illustrations or photographs.
Correcting spelling and grammar.
Word processing includes a number of tools to format your pages. For example, you can organize your text into columns, add page numbers, insert illustrations, etc. However, word processing does not give you complete control over the look and feel of your document. When design becomes important, you may need to use desktop publishing software to give you more control over the layout of your pages.
Word processing software typically also contains features to make it easier for you to perform repetitive tasks. For example, let's say you need to send a letter to all your customers regarding a new policy. The letter is the same for all customers except for the name and address at the top of the letter. A mail merge function allows you to produce all the letters using one template document and a table with customer names and addresses in the database.
Text editors shouldn't be confused with word processing software. While they do also allow you to create, edit and save text documents, they only work on plain text. Text editors don't use any formatting, such as underlined text or different fonts. Text editors serve a very different purpose from word processing software. They are used to work with files in plain text format, such as source code of computer programs or configuration files of an operating system. An example of a text editor would be Notepad on the Windows platform.