Computer Science, asked by chosdonsonam2, 1 year ago

4. What is the main function of IMF?​


Answered by Anonymous


1. Exchange Stability:

The first important function of IMF is to maintain exchange stability and thereby to discourage any fluctuations in the rate of exchange. The Found ensures such stability by making necessary arrangements like—enforcing declaration of par value of currency of all members in terms of gold or US dollar, enforcing devaluation criteria, up to 10 per cent or more by more information or by taking permission from IMF respectively, forbidding members to go in for multiple exchange rates and also to buy or sell gold at prices other than declared par value.

2. Eliminating BOP Disequilibrium:

The Fund is helping the member countries in eliminating or minimizing the short-period equilibrium of balance of payments either by selling or lending foreign currencies to the members. The Fund also helps its members towards removing the long period disequilibrium in their balance of payments. In case of fundamental changes in the economies of its members, the Fund can advise its members to change the par values of its currencies.

3. Determination of Par Value:  

IMF enforces the system of determination of par values of the currencies of the members countries. As per the Original Articles of Agreement of the IMF every member country must declare the par value of its currency in terms of gold or US dollars. Under the revised Articles, the members are given autonomy to float or change exchange rates as per demand supply conditions in the exchange market and also at par with internal price levels.

As per this article, IMF is exercising surveillance to ensure proper working and balance in the international monetary system, i.e., by avoiding manipulation in the exchange rates and by adopting intervention policy to counter short-term movements in the exchange value of the currency.

4. Stabilize Economies:

The IMF has an important function to advise the member countries on various economic and monetary matters and thereby to help stabilize their economies.

5. Credit Facilities:

IMF is maintaining various borrowing and credit facilities so as to help the member countries in correcting disequilibrium in their balance of payments. These credit facilities include-basic credit facility, extended fund facility for a period of 3 years, compensatory financing facility, lociffer stock facility for helping the primary producing countries, supplementary financing facility, special oil facility, trust fund, structural adjustment facility etc. The Fund also charges interest from the borrowing countries on their credit.

6. Maintaining Balance Between Demand and Supply of Currencies:

IMF is also entrusted with important function to maintain balance between demand and supply of various currencies. Accordingly the fund can declare a currency as scarce currency which is in great demand and can increase its supply by borrowing it from the country concerned or by purchasing the same currency in exchange of gold.

7. Maintenance of Liquidity:

To maintain liquidity of its resources is another important function of IMF. Accordingly, there is provision for the member countries to borrow from IMF by surrendering their own currencies in exchange. Again for according accumulation of less demand currencies with the Fund, the borrowing countries are directed to repurchase their own currencies by repaying its loans in convertible currencies.

8. Technical Assistance:

The IMF is also performing an useful function to provide technical assistance to the member countries. Such technical assistance in given in two ways, i.e., firstly by granting the members countries the services of its specialists and experts and secondly by sending the outside experts.

Moreover the Fund has also set up two specialized new departments:

(a) Central Banking Services Department and

(b) Fiscal Affairs Department for sending specialists to member countries so as to manage its central banks and also on fiscal management.

9. Reducing Tariffs:

The Fund also aims at reducing tariffs and other restrictions imposed on international trade by the member countries so as to cease restrictions of remittance of funds or to avoid discriminating practices.

10. General Watch:

The IMF is also keeping a general watch on the monetary and fiscal policies followed by the member countries to ensure no flouting of the provisions of the charter.

hope it helps u

mark me as brainliesy


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