4) When can we say that the wind speed
is strong
when the breeze flow very strong then we say that wind speed is strong
Classification of Wind Speeds
Beaufort number
Wind speed (km/hr)
International description
US Weather Bureau description
Effect of wind on the Sea
0 <1 Calm Light Wind Small wavelets
1 1-5 Light Air Light Wind Small wavelets
2 6-11 Light Breeze Light Wind Small wavelets
3 12-19 Gentle Breeze Gentle-moderate Large wavelets to small waves
4 20-28 Moderate Breeze Gentle-moderate Large wavelets to small waves
5 29-38 Fresh Breeze Fresh wind Moderate waves, many whitecaps
6 39-49 Strong gale Strong wind Large waves, many whitecaps
7 50-61 Fresh Breeze Strong wind Large waves, many whitecaps
8 62-74 Fresh gale Gale High waves, foam streaks
9 75-88 Stong gale Gale High waves, foam streaks
10 89-102 Whole gale Whole gale Very high waves, rolling sea
11 103-117 Storm Whole gale Very high waves, rolling sea
12-17 >117 Hurricane Hurricane Sea white with spray and foam
Movie about the Beaufort Scale of Wind Speeds