4. When will this world be better place for you?
Do you have greed, pride, anger and strife?
When everyone would get equal right , equal opportunity
Strife is not good for you.
Strife is not good for you....
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:Give up the urge to prove the other person wrong. ...
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:Give up the urge to prove the other person wrong. ...Don't gloat over it when you are right. ...
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:Give up the urge to prove the other person wrong. ...Don't gloat over it when you are right. ...Let each other make mistakes without rubbing it in and nagging about it. ...
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:Give up the urge to prove the other person wrong. ...Don't gloat over it when you are right. ...Let each other make mistakes without rubbing it in and nagging about it. ...Give grace for mistakes. ...
Strife is not good for you....5 tips to avoid strife:Give up the urge to prove the other person wrong. ...Don't gloat over it when you are right. ...Let each other make mistakes without rubbing it in and nagging about it. ...Give grace for mistakes. ...Treat the person with respect.