History, asked by ramp57157, 1 month ago

4. Which of the following statements is/are true about the society of Mesopotamia- 1

मेसोपोटािमया के समाज के स᭥ब᭠ध मᱶ िन᳜िलिखत कथनᲂ मᱶ से कौन-सा/से कथन स᭜य है-

i) Nuclear family was regarded ideal.

एकल पᳯरवार आदशᭅ माने जाते थे ।

ii) Bride got share in her father’s property.

वधू को उसके िपता कᳱ संपिᱫ मᱶ िह᭭सा िमलता था ।

iii) Mesopotamian society was matriarchal.

मेसोपोटािमया का समाज मातृसᱫा᭜मक था ।

Choose the correct option: सही कथन चुिनए:

a) i and ii only के वल i एवं ii

b) ii and iii only के वल ii एवं iii

c) i, ii and iii only i, ii व iii

d) ii only के वल ii​


Answered by yashi6935


I think option B i.e. ii and iii is the correct answer.

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