Science, asked by harikrishnakhetwani, 2 months ago

4) Write a note on "Waste water Management" Give your own innovative ideas. Plz tell me of class 7th​


Answered by anshmuchandi

Wastewater is any water that requires cleaning after it is used. This includes water that has been used for laundry, bathing, dishwashing, toilets, garbage disposals, and industrial purposes. Wastewater also includes rainwater that has accumulated pollutants as it runs into oceans, lakes, and rivers. Pollutants are unwanted chemicals or materials that contaminate air, soil, and water.

The goal of wastewater management is to clean and protect water. This means that water must be clean enough so that it can be used by people for drinking and washing, and by industry for commercial purposes. It also must be clean enough to release into oceans, lakes, and rivers after it has been used.

Wastewater is usually divided into two major groups: point source wastewater and non-point source wastewater. Point source wastewater includes wastewaters that enter natural waters (such as lakes, rivers, and oceans) from defined locations. The most common point sources are sanitary sewers and storm drains. Non-point source wastewater is wastewater that is not connected to a specific source. This includes runoff (water that drains away) from agriculture and urban (city) areas, and acidic waters from mines. In many ways, point source wastewater is much easier to manage because its source and the pollutants it contains are known. Non-point source wastewater, on the other hand, is both hard to identify and treat.

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Answered by samriddhivashisth

Waste Water Management means saving and protecting water.

Waste Water Management also means conserving water.

Waste Water Management can also mean to Use and Utilize water in the right manner.

We can save water in the following ways:

1) When we brush our teeth, stop the tap so that the water doesn't get wasted.

2) While drinking water, Take only that much amount of water you want to drink, if we take water more than we want to drink we just throw it away in the sink or any other place in that way too the water gets wasted.

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