English, asked by tanujarawat89, 1 year ago

4. Write an original story on the theme "Plants too have life."
Komal, a mischievous girl
loved plants, flowers, birds
one day mother went away
asked Komal to look after parts
mother came after two days
plants in bad shape
realized her mistake.
Space for Answer


Answered by priya1423

Here is your answer

We all know that plants are living things and that, they too have a life.

There is a story that can be said here to highlight the same.

When Komal planted a potato in his kitchen garden he did not expect it to bear a plant because he thought that it was lifeless but at his mother's insistence, he did so.

After watering it for a few days, he stopped providing it with water.

However, he was surprised to see a new potato plant growth within a few days and thereafter he started believing like everyone else that plants do have a life.

I hope it helps you

Answered by goyalgori61


Komal was the mischeifousous girl of 12 years she Lovin plant flower and bird she spend most of the time flower and birds she spent most of our free time in the garden but didn't realise that plants have life Wednesday her mother going out of station before leaving she asked Kamal to look after the plant in her absence when her mother had gone Kamal doing busy in doing her homework and in her watching TV she did not go even once into the garden when her mother came after two days she asked about the plant, told me that she had forgotten about the plant truthful in your mother then took her to the garden the plant there in bad shape and their leaves hydro plant they looked furnish and thirsty Komal and her mother then explain to Kamal plant world living thing if they do it is there duty to look after their need, Komal realised her mistake and promise to her mother that she take care of plant


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