Biology, asked by TakeawarChintawar, 8 months ago

40. If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during
the day. does it mean that there is no photosynthesis occurring?
Justify your answer.​


Answered by akshat1841


During photosynthesis , plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Photosynthesis occurs only in daytime. However , the process of respiration also takes place simultaneously. Respiration in plants is similar to breathing in humans. They take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Thus , at a given point of time in a day , when photosynthesis is less such as early morning it may look like that plants are not carrying out photosynthesis and instead give out Carbon dioxide but this may occur when there is less photosynthesis being carried out so they will release less concentration of oxygen , so the carbon dioxide from respiration may overlap the effect of oxygen .

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