CBSE BOARD XII, asked by murmumaklu82, 1 day ago

40. 'जो हुआ होगा' जुमले में कौन-सा भाव निहित है? A. यथास्थितिवाद B. अनिर्णय की स्थिति C.वंद्व का भाव D.ये सभी​


Answered by presentmoment


'जो हुआ होगा' जुमले में अनिर्णय की स्थिति भाव निहित है .


 State of Indecision or अनिर्णय की स्थिति means being hesitant or indecisiveness which is shown in the phrase "whatever happened".

This is a feeling in which there is a state of indecision. (यह एक ऐसा भाव है जिसमे अनिर्णय की स्तिथि है.)

It is an unreliable state where there is no definite saying. It is incomplete as well as a state of empty phrase with a questioning statement emphasising of what would have happened keeping the statement hanging with no defined conclusiveness.

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