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Examples of Antonyms, Synonyms, and Homonyms
The English language is nothing if not complex. And that complexity lends itself well to some of the finest prose in history. The fact that we can say one thing a hundred different ways is surely part of the magic.
Certain words have identical meanings; some have similar meanings; others are as distinct as night and day. As for words with similarities, they're known as synonyms. Antonyms, however, are words that have opposite meanings.
Then, there's one other category of -nym words full of interest and intrigue. Homonyms are words that are pronounced and spelled the same, although they have different meanings. Let's dive into an array of examples of antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms.
Antonym Examples
Antonyms can be used to demonstrate contrast between two things or provide clues as to what is meant. Here is a list of antonyms for you to review:
Achieve - Fail
Giant - Dwarf
Random - Specific
Afraid - Confident
Gloomy - Cheerful
Rigid - Flexible
Ancient - Modern
Individual - Group
Shame - Honor
Arrive - Depart
Innocent - Guilty
Simple - Complicated
Arrogant - Humble
Knowledge - Ignorance
Single - Married
Attack - Defend
Liquid - Solid
Sunny - Cloudy
Blunt - Sharp
Marvelous - Terrible
Timid - Bold
Brave - Cowardly
Noisy - Quiet
Toward - Away
Cautious - Careless
Partial - Complete
Tragic - Comic
Complex - Simple
Passive - Active
Transparent - Opaque
Crazy - Sane
Permanent - Unstable
Triumph - Defeat
Crooked - Straight
Plentiful - Sparse
Union - Separation
Demand - Supply
Positive - Negative
Unique - Common
Destroy - Create
Powerful - Weak
Upset - Relaxed
Divide - Unite
Praise - Criticism
Urge - Deter
Drunk - Sober
Private - Public
Vacant - Occupied
Expand - Contract
Problem - Solution
Vague - Definite
Freeze - Boil
Professional - Amateur
Villain - Hero
Full - Empty
Profit - Loss
Wax - Wane
Generous - Stingy
Quality - Inferiority
Wealth - Poverty
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