400, 800, 2400 next digit of this series
400, 800, 2400 next digit of this series is 9600. It is based on simple calculation.
Here is the explanation for this given condition as follow.
This series is goes on based on this condition.
The multipliers are increased in the ascending order.
Based on this method, you can easily find out the further digits
There are 2 valid answers to the following question. 1. 400*2=800. 800*3=2400. 2400*4=9600.[Required answer]. Here in this progression, we are adding 1 to the number being multiplied by result of the previous steps. 2. (0+400)*2=800. (400+800)*2=2400. (400+800+2400)*2=7200.[also a valid answer]. Here the second numbering the same i.e., 2, but the first number in each step is the sum of the previous result and the number with which we started.