Math, asked by sangaashok09, 2 months ago

43: Gauss forward formula involves differences below
the central line and even differences on the line in A, then
it is useful if

1<p 2


Answered by vallinswami



Chapter Objectives

O Introduction

O Newton’s forward interpolation formula

O Newton’s backward interpolation formula

O Central difference interpolation formulae

O Gauss’s forward interpolation formula

O Gauss’s backward interpolation formula

O Stirling’s formula

O Bessel’s formula

O Everett’s formula

O Choice of an interpolation formula

O Interpolation with unequal intervals

O Lagrange’s interpolation formula

O Divided differences

O Newton’s divided difference formula

O Relation between divided and forward differences

O Hermite’s interpolation formula

O Spline interpolation—Cubic spline

O Double interpolation


O Iterative method

O Objective type of questions

7.1 Introduction

Suppose we are given the following values of y  f(x) for a set of values

of x:

x: x0 x1 x2  xn

y: Y0 y1 y2

 yn


Then the process of finding the value of y corresponding to any value of

x  xi between x0

and xn is called interpolation. Thus interpolation is the

technique of estimating the value of a function for any intermediate value

of the independent variable while the process of computing the value of the

function outside the given range is called extrapolation. The term interpola-

tion however, is taken to include extrapolation.

If the function f(x) is known explicitly, then the value of y correspond-

ing to any value of x can easily be found. Conversely, if the form of f(x) is not

known (as is the case in most of the applications), it is very difficult to de-

termine the exact form of f(x) with the help of tabulated set of values (xi

, yi


In such cases, f(x) is replaced by a simpler function (x) which assumes the

same values as those of f(x) at the tabulated set of points. Any other value

may be calculated from (x) which is known as the interpolating function or

smoothing function. If (x) is a polynomial, then it called the interpolating

polynomial and the process is called the polynomial interpolation. Similarly

when (x) is a finite trigonometric series, we have trigonometric interpola-

tion. But we shall confine ourselves to polynomial interpolation only.

The study of interpolation is based on the calculus of finite differences.

We begin by deriving two important interpolation formulae by means of

forward and backward differences of a function. These formulae are often

employed in engineering and scientific investigations.

7.2 Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula

Let the function y  f(x) take the values y0

, y1

, , yn corresponding to

the values x0, x1, , xn of x. Let these values of x be equispaced such that

xi  x0  ih (i  0, 1, ). Assuming y(x) to be a polynomial of the nth degree

in x such that 0 01 1 () () , ,, . ( ) n n yx y yx y yx y    We can write

O Lagrange’s method

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