44. Personal Response: (02) The writer goes in search of an invaluable indigenous variety of Kasbai rice. Write at least two reasons for the importance of keeping records of our indigenous agricultural practice in about fifty words.
(a) Reducing environmental stress by channelling water from mountain peaks to areas of demand and this practice has been going on for centuries. (b) Using natural fertilizers made from cow dung, cow urine, evaporated cane juice of raw sugar and water to save sick plants. This practice has been mentioned in the vedas. (ii) Traditional techniques like crop rotation, erosion prevention, systematic use of composts and manures lead to natural agricultural practices and promise better yields. (iii) (a) Chemical fertilizers lead to degraded soil condition, deterioration in the health of quality of crops and livestock. (b) Organic agriculture combined with tradition, innovation and science, benefits the health of the soil, people and the environment.Read more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/2096702/the-writer-goes-in-search-of-an-invaluable-indigenous-variety-of-seeds