English, asked by coolmukil811, 1 year ago

462 words essay on Dowry System in India


Answered by alexa13
The word ‘dowry’ means the property, valuable securities, money that a bride brings to her husband’s house at the time of her marriage.

Dowry is a form of consideration (in cash or otherwise) demanded by the groom or his relatives in return for marring the to be bride.

One of the worst evils of Indian Society is the dowry system. The custom of dowry is prevalent in all the sections of our society in one form or the other. At the beginning it was voluntary, but later on the social pressure was such that very few could escape from it.

The dowry at present is a source of both joy and curse in the society. It is also a joy to the husband and his relatives who get cash, costly dress and utensils, furniture, bedding materials, etc. But, it is a curse to the bride’s parents who have to bear enormous cost to satisfy the unreasonable demands of the bridegroom’s party. A demand of dowry does not diminish even after marriage. In some instances, the in-laws of the bride are very much ready to inflict harassment, insults and tortures-both mental and physical. It is often seen that, when more pressure is put on the bride’s parents, their dear daughter has no other option but to commit suicide to avoid more insult and torture at the hands of the members of her husband’s family.

This curse of Dowry System must be eradicated forth with at any cost. Women from every walk of life, literate or illiterate, poor or rich, young or old must unite together and come forward to protect their own honour and interest. Though the Government has promulgated certain anti-dowry laws, these have not produced the desired results. People’s efforts are also necessary if this evil is to be removed once for all. The high expenditure of the marriage ceremony must be cut down.

Women must be empowered. Gender-based inequality should be completely abolished and the position of women in the society should be raised. Women must be taught since girlhood that their life is not useless without marriage.

Girls should get the opportunity to get education at schools. After completion of school education, they should be encouraged to have higher education. Proper education of girls would be helpful in educating girls and women of their rights. Their age of marriage should be raised. They should be encouraged to enter into various fields of paid jobs, as their higher economic status also discourages demands for dowry. The practice of mass marriage should be encouraged for the sake of economy.

Answered by Anonymous
Dowry System: Dowry system is a social disease which is moving very fast in society today. This is a practice to minimize the purpose of our lives. This practice is entirely based on the idea that all the best people in the society are men and women have no importance in our society.

This kind of low thinking and understanding is a great obstacle on the future of our country. The thinking of dowry is a slap on the cheeks of all the advancement and modern techniques of our country.

Dowry practice has also got acceptance of almost every category in our society, which can also take the form of a major problem going forward. Dowry practice has become an unusual way of living in our country from the poor family to the big personalities.

Mahatma Gandhi had said about dowry practice:

"Any person who makes dowry necessary for marriage, it defames his education and his country, as well as insults the entire female caste."

This is what Mahatma Gandhi said before the country's independence. But even after so many years of freedom, dowry practice is played.
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