49 / 500 without performing long division, state whether it will terminating or non- terminating.
(ii) After how many places of decimal will it terminate. (iii) calculate in decimal form.
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Given : 49 / 500
To Find : without performing long division, state whether it will terminating or non- terminating.
(ii) After how many places of decimal will it terminate.
(iii) calculate in decimal form.
49 / 500
= 7 * 7 / ( 2 * 2 * 5 * 5 * 5 )
= 7 * 7 / ( 2² * 5³)
Denominator has only prime factors of 2 and 5
Hence it will be terminating
in 2 and 5 maximum power is 3
Hence it will terminate after 3 decimal place
Multiply numerator and denominator by 2
7 * 7 *2 / ( 2² * 5³ * 2)
= 98/(2³ * 5³ )
= 98/10³
= 98/1000
= 0.098
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