4d, 5p, 5f तथा 6p कक्षक घटती ऊर्जा के क्रम में व्यवस्थित किये गये हैं। सही विकल्प है :
(1) 5f > 6p > 5p > 4d
(2) 6p > 5f > 5p > 4d
(3) 6p > 5f > 4d > 5p
(4) 5f > 6p > 4d > 5p
Bro plz ask your question in English because i m not correct in hindi. My answer can be wrong
The decreasing energy level of the orbital is as follow:-
Energy level of orbital is calculated by n+l rule,which state that orbital having more n+l value will have more energy and in case two orbital having same n+l value the orbital with less value of n will have less energy.
Orbitals n+l
5f 8
6p 7
5p 6
4d 6
Value of l for
Orbital l
s 0
p 1
d 2
f 3