Physics, asked by anupoo7, 8 months ago

5. A disc of moment of inertia 12 kg m´ gains an angular momentum
384 N m in 8 seconds starting from rest. What is the torque acting?
( 48 Nm)​


Answered by ashwinraja


c.f. NH CV hgvn FC TN CV I'm FB event FB the NH jk in nth nth jk jk TN n think uh thru eg the TN TN TN TN jk hg fhfggff gg fhgghggjhghjuyhihyhghhtthgffgfdffggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiikhfdfvbjgffg

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