5. A magnetised backsaw blade is cut into pieces figure as shown
a) firsd the polarity of edges Band D
b) suggest method to make the hacksca blacke into permanent magnet
first the polarity of edges b and d
- The polarity of D will be North and the polarity of B will be North
- There are three methods of making magnets: (1) Single touch method (2) Double touch method (3) Using electric current.
There are three methods of making magnets: (1) Single touch method (2) Double touch method (3) Use of electric current. One-touch method: This is the easiest and also the most convenient way to make a small magnet that does not have a very large attractive field.
Place the paper on a flat surface and place a ferromagnetic object on top of it. Then rub the surface of the object with a permanent magnet. Make sure you only rub in one direction. It is also necessary to lift the magnet from the surface of the object after each pull or run. Then swipe again in the same motion as before and continue to rub the magnet over the object at least 50 times. If the process of dragging a permanent magnet over a ferromagnetic object has been done correctly, then the pins will be attracted to the magnet and stick to it.
The more times you rub the permanent magnet against your ferromagnetic object, the stronger your temporary magnet will be.
Double tap method: This method is very similar to the first method. Here, two permanent magnets that act in opposite directions are used to magnetize the ferromagnetic material. Magnet using electric current: In this process, the electromagnet is made of ferromagnetic substance (best to use a large iron nail), copper wire, and battery (use D-cell for safety reasons). At first, the copper coil must be tightly wrapped around the iron nail at least 10 times. The ends of the copper wire must remain free. This magnet continues to work for some time after being disconnected from the battery. Test the magnet with light pins. An electromagnet is nowadays used as an industrial magnet. The best example of an industrial electromagnet is the crane that is used in the collection yards.