Which of these industrial developments would be better for Nepal?
A foreign company builds a car factory making cars. Because computers are used, only a few
people are needed as workers.
b. With government or private investment, several very small factories are built. They use simple
processes, and need to employ a lot of workers. They produce batteries, radios, bicycles and
sweaters, exercise-books, plywood, jam, plastic pipes, etc.
Talk about how many people benefit, who has the profit, who buys the products, where the factories
could be built, who could work in them, and the answers you gave to question no. 5.
As mobility restrictions are enforced to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), more and more of the estimated 1.3 billion citizens of OECD countries are working and studying from home; and critical international policy co-ordination is now being conducted online in fora such as the G7 or G20. Along the entire Internet value chain, fixed and mobile broadband operators, content and cloud providers, and points where Internet networks connect to each other to exchange traffic, called Internet exchange points (IXPs), are experiencing as much as 60% more Internet traffic than before the outbreak. In this unprecedented situation, the resilience and capability of broadband networks has become even more critical.
our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind, Geothermal and biomass could be the solution. Our transport methods must be aligned with environmental requirements and reduce their carbon footprint..