Biology, asked by vikramjeet2006, 7 months ago

5. Answer the question in brief a) Role of parenchyma b) Lateral meristematic tissue c) Tissue found in the bark of the tree 6. Differentiate the three types of muscular tissue. 7. A) What will happen if the epidermis is covered with a layer of Vaseline? B) State true or false, if, the statement is false correct it and rewrite the correct statement. (i) Tissue consisting of loosely packed cells with large intercellular spaces is parenchyma. (ii) Tissue consisting of regular thickening in the cells is Collenchyma. (iii) Chlorenchyma consists of large air cavities. (iv) Sclerenchyma consists of chlorophyll which makes it hard. (v) Small pores in the epidermis of leaf are called as stomata. (vi) Cork cells contain lignin. 8. The transportation system of plants is composed of complex permanent tissue. They have their transportation system within themselves. Justify in detail with appropriate diagrams.


Answered by hxofkfyohdlkv


(1)Parenchyma forms the bulk of plant ground tissue, where they may be specialised to function in photosynthesis, storage, or transport. Parenchyma is integral to vascular tissue, where it provides a route of exchange for materials within and between the xylem and the phloem.

(2)lateral, meristems, which are found in all woody plants and in some herbaceous ones, consist of the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. They produce secondary tissues from a ring of vascular cambium in stems and roots

(3)The inner soft bark, or bast, is produced by the vascular cambium; it consists of secondary phloem tissue whose innermost layer conveys food from the leaves to the rest of the plant. The outer bark, which is mostly dead tissue, is the product of the cork cambium (phellogen).

(4)The 3 types of muscle tissue are cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Cardiac muscle cells are located in the walls of the heart, appear striated, and are under involuntary control.

(5)Applying Vaseline, in real life experiment it will reduce water loss from upper surface to moderate and from lower surface to minimum ( more stomata is present on lower surface). ... The stomata would be covered and there would be no photosynthesis and transpiration.


(7)In plants, transport system is not complicated as in animals. The transport system in plants consists of bundles of tubes in the stem, branches and roots. These tubes are called xylem and phloem. The main function of xylem is to transport water and dissolved minerals from the roots to rest of the plant body.

Answered by Lethalwolf


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