5 benifits of break even analysis for financial managers.
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:
1. Make or buy decision:
The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. If the variable cost is less than the price that has to be paid to an outside supplier, it may be better to manufacture than to buy.
2. Production planning;
The C-V-P analysis helps in planning the production of items giving maximum contribution towards profit and fixed costs.
3. Cost control:
As a cost control device, the C-V-P analysis can be used to detect insidious upward creep of costs that might otherwise go down.
4. Financial structure:
Break-even analysis provides an understanding of the behaviour of profits in relation to output. This understanding is significant in planning the financial structure of a company.
5. Conditions of uncertainty:
When some reasonable basis for subjective extrapolation is available, the breakeven analysis provides the financial management with information helpful in its decision-making activities.
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:Make or buy decision: The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. ...
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:Make or buy decision: The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. ...Production planning; ...
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:Make or buy decision: The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. ...Production planning; ...Cost control: ...
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:Make or buy decision: The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. ...Production planning; ...Cost control: ...Financial structure: ...
The following are the benefits out of break-even analysis:Make or buy decision: The C-V-P analysis assists in making a choice between two courses of action to make versus to buy. ...Production planning; ...Cost control: ...Financial structure: ...Conditions of uncertainty:
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