5. बजाज स्कूटर के लिए सन् 1983 से 1986 तक प्रति वर्ष औसतन 18,000 लोगो ने नम्बर लगाए।
नम्बर लगाने वालों की संख्या 1987 की तुलना में 10% अधिक थी।, जबकि 1983 से 1988 तक
[Ans. Number of depositors in 1985 = 3,798, and
er UI dep
depositors in 1986
22,500 लोगों ने नम्बर लगाए। बताइए 1987 एवं 1988 में कितने लोगों ने नम्बर लगाए?
From 1983 to 1986 on an average 18,000 persons applied for Bajaj Scooters
compared to 1987, 10% more persons applied in 1988. From 1983 to 1988 average app
were 22,500 per year. Find the number of applications made in the year 1987 and 1988
[Ans. 30,000 in 1987 and 33,000 i
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FOREWORD. The two earliest of the nine main divisions of English Literature are by far the longest—taken
together are longer than all the others combined—but we shall pass rather rapidly over them.
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