5 diary entries on different experience in our life
January 18, 201 9
Dear Diary,
Today, was the most annoying day for me because it reminds me of the loss which I suffered today. The loss of my favorite pair of soccer shoes.
10 February 2019,
Dear Diary,
This day is very special for me because today my exams in school just ended and I had a lot of fun with my friends.
20 March, 2019
Dear Diary,
This day is very hard for me to forget because this was the first day when I was selected for the National Level Football Team and was going to represent my country.
15th July, 2019
Dear Diary,
Journeys are the most exciting part of life. The most fascinating journey for me is traveling by train.This day my parents planned a trip to Chandigarh.
22 October , 2019
Dear Diary,
The most precious and valuable day of my life.This is the day when I stepped in this world as well as the day where first stepped in the football field representing my country wearing the Blue jersey.