India Languages, asked by hamsa2662, 6 months ago

கல்வி தொடர்பான பிற பாடல் வரிகளைத் தொகுத்து‌ எழுதுக
(குறைந்தது 5 பாடல் வரிகள்)

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Answered by bhumikadudwe


Required Answer:-

Degradation of eatables leads to a huge loss of food items and edible things every year. This is due to the reaction of food with oxygen, moisture etc. in air. Sometimes, they provide environment for the pests, microbes, fungi to grow and destroy the nutrients in them.

The degradation of fatty and oily foods are faster as compared to other items, this is known as rancidity. It gives rise to bad smell and taste. We can stop them by using anti-oxidants or reducing agents. Reducing agents remove oxygen to reach the compounds whereas oxidising agents oxidise any compounds..


To stop the rancidity or degradation of eatables naturally, we should use reducing agents (B).

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