5. Enlist uses of taxonomy.
What is the importance of taxonomy in Biology:
1. Taxonomy aims to classify living creature: There are millions of organisms on the Earth of different physical, physiological, regional differences. Taxonomy helps to classify these millions of organisms scientifically into some categories like family, genus, species etc. for ease of study and understanding.
2. Taxonomy helps to ascertain the number of living species on the earth. We have discovered till now some thousands of plants and animal species and are recorded as per taxonomy.
3. Taxonomy helps in getting an idea of what type of characters are present in the plant or animal possess even before seeing or studying them in detail.
Ex: a) In plants: When one hears a plant to be of leguminous family, the characters we can ascertain are that they have nitrogen synthesizing bacteria in their root nodules. They have a seed which can be broken into exact two half etc..
b) In animals: If a living creature is mentioned under mollusc’s, it means the animals has some sort of hard shell as a protective factor (like snail). If an animal is called a mammal, it means the creature gives birth to well formed babies and also rears them with milk during growth.
4. Taxonomy gives an ideas level of physical development: Taxonomy gives an idea of how far an animal has physical and mental development and its position in the evolution tree of organisms.
Ex: When you hear the word bacteria, you get an idea of single celled organism and fungi as a multi-celled organism yet both or microbes. Physically & evolutionary wise, fungi are advanced than bacteria.
5. Gives an idea of local fauna: Not all plants and animal species are found in all regions of the earth. Example kangaroo is limited to Australia like wise kiwi to New-Zealand etc. Even plants like Campanula Americana (Americana= America) is found in north America while, the neem plant as Azadirachta Indica (Indica= India) due its prominent presence there. Hence taxonomy helps to identify or ascertain the types of plants and animals that can be found in particular region. This helps new scientists to go to the place of existence of the species to collect them in case they need to experiment on them