5. How did Brighter still have the
creatures if his land?
Once, in Benaras lived a king called Barahmadatta. All he was fond of was hunting. Everyday he used to go out in his chariot killing hundreds of deer mercilessly and in doing so even hurt the children and other animals coming near the wheels of his chariot and even tortured the common people. This compelled the common men to make a park for him where they kept all the deer in the forests, headed by two leaders, Brighter than sun and Brighter still. When the king came to the park for hunting deer he was appalled at the beauty of the two leaders so he decided to kill every deer except these two. But as the numbers of deer were gradually decreasing, the two leaders of the deer decided that deer will voluntarily come and sacrifice themselves in front of the king. It continued like this. Once it was the turn of a pregnant deer who was unwilling to sacrifice itself and hence approached their leader, Brighter than the Sun. But he did not agree to her plea and said justice must be granted to all. Finally when the expecting mother went to Brighter Still, he listened to her plea and decided to sacrifice himself instead of her. When the king Brahmadatta saw that the beautiful Brighter Still is standing infront of him for getting slaughtered, he realized his mistake and granted him the lives of all the deer, men, and other animals and stopped hunting any longer.
Thus, it proves that mercy is always greater than justice.